Our key staff plays an active role in leadership, drawing on each other's unique strengths and learning from each other. The LinCS 2 Durham field team is based at NCCU with key support from UNC-CH, coordination of the community partnership is led from DCHD, and overall leadership and management of the project is led by FHI.
LinCS 2 Durham staff visiting the Hayti Heritage Center (from left to right): Alexandria Horne, Kate Hilgenberg, Kimberly Gibson Hooks, Kia Caldwell, Kate MacQueen, Randy Rogers, Ivra Bunn, Ella Walker, Christopher Reed, Allison Mathews, Natalie Eley, Lisa Albert, David Jolly. Photograph by Lisa Marie Albert
Family Health International
Kathleen M. MacQueen, PhD, MPH, serves as principal investigator and provides overall leadership for the project. Dr. MacQueen is a senior social scientist with the Behavioral and Biomedical Research Division at Family Health International. [Read More]
Natalie Eley, MPH, BA, serves as project coordinator. Ms. Eley is a research associate with the Behavioral and Biomedical Research Division at Family Health International. [Read More]
Monique Peloquin Mueller, MSPH, BA, serves as a research associate with the Behavioral and Biomedical Research Division at Family Health International. [Read More]
Elizabeth T. Robinson, MS, BA, serves as communications specialist for the LinCS 2 Durham project. Ms. Robinson is an associate director of the Knowledge Management Department at Family Health International (FHI), as well as project director for FHI’s participation in the Knowledge for Health (K4H) Project with Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Communication Programs. [Read More]
North Carolina Central University
David Jolly, DrPH, serves as investigator for the LinCS 2 Durham project. He assists largely with the ethnography component of the project and helps to lead the field team. Dr. Jolly is an associate professor and chair of the Department of Public Health Education at North Carolina Central University. [Read More]
Christopher Reed, BS, serves as a research assistant on the LinCS 2 Durham field team. Mr. Reed is pursuing an MA in general psychology with a focus in clinical psychology at North Carolina Central University. [Read More]
Alexandria Horne
serves as a research assistant on the field team. Ms. Horne recently received her BA in psychology and a BS in family consumer sciences with a concentration in child development and family relations from North Carolina Central University. [Read More]
Kimberly Gibson Hooks serves as a research assistant on the LinCS 2 Durham field team. Ms. Hooks is a full-time undergraduate student at North Carolina Central University. She is currently working toward a degree in public health education. [Read More]
Durham County Public Health Department
Tekola Fisseha, MPH,BA, serves as a liaison for the LinCS 2 Durham project. Mr. Fisseha is the director of the Division of Health Education at the Durham County Health Department. [Read More]
Randy C. Rogers, MS, BSSW, serves as coordinator and facilitator for the LinCS 2 Durham CAB-partnership (newly titled Collaborative Council) activities. Mr. Rogers is a public health education specialist with the Division of Health Education at the Durham County Health Department. [Read More]
Mary DeCoster, MPH, MLS, BA,serves as a liaison for the LinCS 2 Durham project. Ms. DeCoster is a program manager with the Division of Health Education at the Durham County Health Department. [Read More]
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Ronald Strauss, DMD, PhD, MA, BA, serves as co-investigator for LinCS 2 Durham and provides leadership for building partnerships with multiple stakeholders in North Carolina. Dr. Strauss came to UNC-CH in 1974 and, at the time of his appointment as executive associate provost, held joint appointments in three schools. [Read More]
Kia Lilly Caldwell, PhD, MA, AB, serves as investigator for LinCS 2 Durham. She assists largely with the ethnography component of the project and helps to lead the field team. Dr. Caldwell received her PhD in social anthropology from the University of Texas at Austin. [Read More]
Vanessa White, MPH, BA,serves as a research associate for the LinCS 2 Durham project. Ms. White has an MPH in community health education and a BA in bicultural anthropology. [Read More]
Allison Mathews, BA, serves as a research assistant on the LinCS 2 Durham field team. Ms. Mathews, a doctoral student in the Sociology Department at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, is currently working on her master's thesis, "Black Masculinity: An Examination of the Strategies used by Black Men to Deal with Pressure to Conform to Masculinity." [Read More]
Independent Evaluation Consultant
David Napp, MPH, BS, serves as an independent evaluation consultant for LinCS 2 Durham. Throughout the course of this multi-year project, he will conduct a process evaluation of the CAB-partnership (newly titled Collaborative Council), focusing on its formation, development, and sustainability. [Read More]
All staff photographs by Lisa Marie Albert.
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